$28.00 USD
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Ba Nuo Black Tea, from Yunnan’s Mengku 勐库 tea district, has a lot of interesting things going on with it. First the picking method—the growers concentrate all the nutrition, flavor and fragrance molecules in the spring leaves they pick by pulling off the other leaves in the age old technique called 留采法(liu cai fa) and the shape of the tree looks like Vien which is called 藤条(teng tiao )in chinese. Second the trees themselves--ancient trees over 200 years old filling their leaves with more interesting stuff instead of using energy to grow larger. Third is the tea itself—robust wildflower fragrance and flavor carrying a smooth natural sweetness and yes even Cha Qi. Surprising to ever find that in a black tea, but there it is right after the first few sips—the Cha Qi of ancient trees coming through and making this quite a unique black tea indeed.

Ba Nuo Ancient Vein Tree Black Tea
$28.00 USD

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